Law, Policy, and Governance

The Law, Policy, and Governance competency area includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes relating to policy development processes used in various contexts, the application of legal constructs, and the understanding of governance structures and their effect on one’s professional practice.

law policy and gov

Overall, I believe that I am at the basic level of the Law, Policy, and Governance competency. During the Higher Education Law and Policy class that I took last semester, I was able to enhance my learning of policy and the legal systems as it relates to Higher Education. During the class, I learned about many of the cases that led to some of the policies we see today and also the differences between private and public institutions in regards to the law. My experience as the Presidential Intern for the Association of Student Conduct Administrators (ASCA) has also provided me with some knowledge on the Title IX issues that are currently being debated.

For one of my assignments I had to research a current issue that has a direct affect on higher education law and policy and create a policy brief on a current topic. For my issue, I chose the debate on if concealed weapons should be allowed on college campuses. Even though a majority of people believe that allowing concealed weapons on a campus is more detrimental and dangerous to the college community, there are some who believe it is their right in order to protect themselves, such as the Students for Concealed Carry (SCC) group. There are currently eleven states that passed a bill that allows students to carry a concealed weapon on a campus.

In order to be successful in the field of student conduct, it is imperative that I learn more about this competency. I plan on doing further research on the hot topics related to law and policy in higher education as well as keeping up with my state’s current legislation.


Law and policy Final

Policy Brief

The Artifact that I chose for this competency is the brochure and paper that I wrote in regards to the debate on concealed carry. The first link is the actual paper that I wrote, while the second link is the policy brief.

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